Landscapes of Conservation

Landscapes of Conservation

Sustainable Development, Environmental Justice and the Politics of Territory in Peruvian Amazonia

Innovating around Plan de Vida methodologies, the project centred on supporting Indigenous communities to evaluate the social, environmental and development challenges they face and then plan pathways to their desired futures.

Drawing on our wider collaborative network of relevant, Indigenous federations and institutions and governmental and non-governmental organisations the project engaged with the challenges raised by the research to inform relevant actions, interventions and guide policy changes.

A plan de Vida workshop in San Juan de Inuya

Planes de Vida

The central methodology of the project was producing Plan de Vidas (Communal Management Plans) with Indigenous communities on the Inuya and Purús Rivers

Mapping & Territory

A key part of the project’s methodology centred on the mapping of community space and territory.

Alto esperanza, Inuya River

An immediate impact of this work was the first official recognition by the Peruvian government of a of a territorial claim by a group still considered to be in ‘Initial Contact’.


The project included capacity development activities to support community members to produce their own films.

Capacity Development

Beyond mapping and film-making the project engaged with wider capacity development activities at the regional Indigenous universities of UNIA and NOPOKI.

A student workshop at UNIA


The project team worked with SERNANP and ANECAP to produce a new tool to support the co-management of Communal Reserves.


A list of the publications from the project.


SHARE international; Upper Amazon Conservancy; Escuela Cine Amazonico


ESRC – Grant # ES/T002131/1